Welcome to South Tyneside Green Party

Your local Green Party for all of South Tyneside

Building a Greener South Tyneside for All — we’re committed to protecting our environment, championing social justice, and ensuring a brighter future for every resident. As climate change accelerates, we are ready to tackle this crisis and, as a result, improve the quality of life in our communities.

At the heart of our work:

  • Green Investment in Public Services: We believe in well-funded local services that benefit everyone. Therefore, we support fair wages, better housing, and increased investment in healthcare and education to uplift South Tyneside communities.
  • Affordable, Sustainable Housing: Everyone deserves a warm, secure, and eco-friendly home. Consequently, we focus on making homes energy-efficient, reducing fuel poverty, and ensuring affordable housing is accessible to all.
  • Protecting and Restoring the Environment: We take bold climate action to reduce emissions and restore our natural spaces. By collaborating with South Tyneside Council, we strive to make our borough more resilient and sustainable.
  • Transport for a Healthier Tomorrow: We envision clean, safe, and accessible transport for all. To achieve this, we work to ensure South Tyneside Council policies meet the needs of both residents and businesses.
  • Equality at the Core: We oppose all forms of discrimination and strive to create a borough where diversity thrives. Furthermore, we amplify underrepresented voices across South Tyneside.

Get Involved: Be part of the change! Join the South Tyneside Green movement, volunteer with us, or support our campaigns. Together, we can build a fairer, greener community.

By working closely with South Tyneside Council and our community partners, we can create a fairer, greener South Tyneside. 🌱

Help get Greens elected in South Tyneside

Latest News

  • Fact Checker
    by southtyneside
    Politics is unfortunately home to a lot of misinformation, made up by those that would prefer to be dishonest with the electorate, instead of working hard to achieve great things for South Tyneside. This page is our fact checker, set up with an aim to get the right information out there and address concerns that… Read more: Fact Checker
  • Impact Report 2024
    by southtyneside
    Green Group Impact Report (Green Councillors) IntroductionOver the past year, the South Tyneside Green Group, comprising dedicated Green Party councillors, has been tirelessly working to promote sustainability, social justice, and community engagement within our borough. We are proud to present this impact report to our local party’s Annual General Meeting, highlighting the significant strides we’ve… Read more: Impact Report 2024
  •  South Tyneside Greens call for calm and offer solidarity to our community
    by southtyneside
     A Call for Peace and Solidarity in Troubling Times  South Tyneside Green Party fully supports the statement put out by our Green Group leader, Councillor David Francis yesterday, in reaction to the senseless attack in Southport on Monday and the unrest and rioting that has happened subsequently. Our Green Party councillors have reached out across… Read more:  South Tyneside Greens call for calm and offer solidarity to our community

South Tyneside Green Councillors

Leader of the Green Group

Deputy Leader of the Green Group

Upcoming Events

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